Project Communications
by Donald Horsburgh
in Blog
Hits: 526

Ever been involved in a project where there has been no clear understanding of the project’s outcome? A project where the vision has not been clearly articulated. A project perhaps where the life cycle and the business benefits have not been documented. I would imagine a few of you have been in that situation - I certainly have.  

To avoid such situations, it is key that communications are firstly planned and secondly managed during the life cycle of the project. The best tool for this is a carefully crafted communications plan.

A good communication plan will minimize confusion and ensure that the right recipients get the right message at the right time. The plan will include the following

•    Identification of the stakeholders (the whom)

•    Identification of their expectations (the why)

•    Type of communication required to satisfy the stakeholders expectations and keep them informed (the what)

•    Agreement on the frequency of the communications to the stake holders (the when)

•    The medium used to communicate with, email, documentation, face to face etc (the how)

•    Agreement on who will create and distribute the communication (the who)

Creating and agreeing with stakeholders the communication plan will greatly improve the potential for success in any project.